Photo credit: Joshua Page (@jpagereckless)

Photo credit: Joshua Page (@jpagereckless)


about matt


I first discovered the weight room when I was about 15 years old. Before that, all I really cared about was skateboarding, and when my favorite metal bands were putting out their newest albums. Something about giving myself sole power to ultimately transform the way that I looked, and how I felt about myself was something so new to me, and I instantly fell in love with working out. As soon as I was able to get a gym membership, I was walking there after school every day, and I was riding my bike across town after work to train on the weekends. As time went on, I always wanted to lift heavier… And heavier… And heavier. Eventually, I stumbled across Powerlifting, and what it actually was. It sounded so great to me, that I dived right in, reading everything I could, trying everything I could, and spending hours training at the gym each week.

So, from the time I was 17, until now, all I’ve ever wanted was to be stronger. I’ve competed in multiple national level events, having 2 gold medals to show, as well as silver medal at the International Powerlifting Federation World Championships, where I also had a world record squat at the time, for my age and weight class.

Along the way, I took a personal training certification course in high school for 2 years, as well as interned, and eventually landed a job at a Long Island, NY based strength & conditioning facility, where I stayed for about 3 years, working with hundreds of different field sport athletes, powerlifters, and everyday people looking to improve their body composition and overall quality of life.

Since launching online coaching for Powerlifters, my goal has always been the same: introduce a new standard for becoming as strong as humanly possible - creating the perfect blend of technique and biomechanics, physiological adaptations, and mentality, all while demystifying all misinformation and junk that’s out in the world of the internet.

When not training myself, or coaching the athletes I work with, you can find me trying to make the world’s best cup of coffee, watching or reading something Star Wars related, or just playing fetch with my super jacked, 3 - legged dog, Turk.

If you have any questions refer to the ‘FAQ’ tab, or if you wish to reach me directly, click the ‘contact’ tab, and shoot me an e-mail.