Frequently asked questions


why should i choose online coaching over a personal trainer?

The beauty of online coaching is that you’re not limited by distance - you can work with whatever coach you’d like to, from wherever you’d like, at a much more affordable rate. Some parts of the United States, and the world in general, don’t have a lot of options for true, high level strength coaching.


With online coaching through Cronin Strength, you’ll receive:

  • Custom training program written out in block format, but with a flexible approach - changes can and will be written in when deemed necessary.

  • Unlimited communication - this includes video/form analysis, questions, and anything else that pops up in every day life.

  • Setting you up for success at any upcoming competitions - attempt selection guidance, selected warm ups, etc.,

is there any commitment?

As of now, I have no commitment requirements. If you decide that you don’t like what you’re being offered or given, there’s no hassle to cancel further coaching services.

I’ve never competed before, and i’m new to powerlifting - is this a good fit?

Yes! Services are not only limited to those with previous powerlifting experience - any and all who are open to working hard, and following the correct plan are welcome.